mpasocn: MPAS Ocean

Example: kernel extraction from E3SM MPAS Ocean

0. Create a E3SM case

First, create your E3SM case and note the path of this case directory for later use in ekgen run.

1. Mark the kernel region with ekgen directives in source file

Choose a file among MPAS Ocean source files. In this example, we marked ekgen directives in ?components/mpas-source/src/core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_gm.F?

#### mpas_ocn_diagnostics.F#####

module ocn_gm
subroutine ocn_gm_compute_Bolus_velocity(diagnosticsPool, meshPool, scratchPool)

!$kgen begin_callsite gm_bolus_velocity

      nCells = nCellsArray( size(nCellsArray) )
      nEdges = nEdgesArray( size(nEdgesArray) )
      !$omp do schedule(runtime)
      do iCell = 1, nCells
         gmStreamFuncTopOfCell(:, iCell) = gmStreamFuncTopOfCell(:,iCell) / areaCell(iCell)
      end do
      !$omp end do

!$kgen end_callsite gm_bolus_velocity
end subroutine ocn_gm_compute_Bolus_velocity
end module ocn_gm

2. run ekgen

Make directory for the kernel generation. Or you can specify the output directory using ?-o? ekgen option. Run ekgen-mpasocn with case directory path and ekgen-directed source file path.

>>> mkdir ocn_gm_kernel
>>> cd ocn_gm_kernel
>>> ekgen mpasocn ${HOME}/scratch/mycase ${HOME}/scratch/E3SM/components/mpas-source/src/core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_gm.F

ekgen-mpasocn run initiates one E3SM build and two E3SM runs with additional analysis overheads. Therefore, it is advised to wait up to 2 ~ 3 times of your regular E3SM build/run time including time to wait on the job queue.

3. check extracted kernel source files and data files

Once completed kernel extraction successfully, ?kernel? directory will be created in the output directory with source files, data files, and a Makefile. You may try to build/run the kernel as following:

> cd kernel > make build > make run

The extracted kernel has a built-in timing measurement and correctness check that ensure the kernel generates the same data that the original application generates. Following is a partial capture of screen output when the gm_bolus_velocity kernel runs.

***************** Verification against 'gm_bolus_velocity.16.0.2' *****************

Number of output variables:            43
Number of identical variables:            43
Number of non-identical variables within tolerance:             0
Number of non-identical variables out of tolerance:             0
Tolerance:    1.0000000000000000E-014

Verification PASSED with gm_bolus_velocity.16.0.2

gm_bolus_velocity : Time per call (usec):     47257.00000000000

kernel execution summary: gm_bolus_velocity
Total number of verification cases  :    42
Number of verification-passed cases :    42

kernel gm_bolus_velocity: PASSED verification

number of processes  1

Average call time (usec):  0.411E+05
Minimum call time (usec):  0.267E+05
Maximum call time (usec):  0.499E+05
